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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

Role-Playing Games

Total Confusion hosts the largest role-playing event in New England with a huge selection of events each year brought to you by some of the best GMs in the area. Total Confusion’s role-playing is generally broken down into three categories; Single table events, Old School and organized play events

Single Table RPG

Role-playing games that are specially designed for convention play, usually hosted in 4 hour time slots. Pre-generated characters are usually given. Total Confusion has several Game Masters who offer these events featuring some of the latest and some of the greatest role-playing systems like GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, AD&D, 7th Sea, Shadow run, Cyberpunk, Star Wars Dungeon Crawl Classics and more.

Old School RPG

Total Confusion features a dedicated Old School area for Industry Guests and Dungeon Masters who want to offer RPG events that are run closer to the original concepts of role-playing, rules light, imagination heavy. Here you will find a lot of original D&D some traveler and anything that was run during the golden age of role-playing games. Some newer game systems are also played here but imagination and role-playing is the driving mark in this room, not rules books.

Organized Play RPG

The organized play area features the Adventure League using 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder Society using 3.5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. Events played here are in campaign style where as you make your own character and they grow and gain experience for each adventure you play. If your new to playing they’ll guide you through creating a character but they also provide some pre-made ones so you can just sit down and play.

These organized play groups use a site called Warhorn to help organize table and Gamemaster resources before the convention.. Players are encouraged to use Warhorn to see which events are being played and to chat with other players. However, event tickets purchased through the convention is required to reserve a seat at the.
