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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

Convention Policies

Totalcon policies and general information:

The convention is a family-oriented show. Alcoholic beverages are allowed in the hotel restaurants and hotel bedrooms it is prohibited on the convention floor.
Pets are not allowed in the gaming area. The only exception is designated service animals. Pets in the hotel lobby area follow hotel guidelines.
Attendee Behavior:


Total Confusion is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, politics or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal bullying, intimidation, stalking, unwelcome attention or following.
  • Images of full or partially nudity and/or images of sex acts (simulated or actual) in public spaces
  • Harassing photography or recording (ask first if the person is comfortable)
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events
  • Unwanted/inappropriate physical contact

Harassment Enforcement

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately If a participant engages in harassing behavior, event organizers retain the right to take any actions to keep the event a welcoming environment for all participants.

If you want to help make Total Confusion a safe environment for everyone, look into volunteering a couple hours of time…

Harassment Options & Reporting:

1. Speak directly to the individual. Sometimes, we find that harassment stops by clearly saying no, leave me alone, stop, or by simply walking away. If you would like to let a staff member know about the incident, we would be happy to keep a record to help identify repeat offenders.

2. If the harassment continues or you don't feel comfortable telling someone "No", please find the Director of the Area you are located at that time, find a volunteer security member (visible by the RED security shirts they wear), or proceed to the Registration Desk. They will contact the Head of Security, the Head of Events or Operations Director and will assist you until they arrive.

3. You can choose to notify us during or after the convention via email. Send information to Please note that emails sent during the convention may not be seen in a timely manner due to meeting the demands of running the convention onsite.

Hygiene and Rest:
Please respect other convention attendees and yourself, get sleep and shower. Take time to rest and refresh yourself.
Public Conduct:
No yelling, running, or physical “horseplay” on the convention floor as this could create an unsafe environment.
Badges must be always worn around the necks while in the gaming areas. When not practical it must be in plain sight for staff to see. This is to prevent disruption of the event. Badges must be presented upon request from a Total Confusion staff member. You MUST have your badge to obtain an event ticket.
Anyone attending an event JUST to observe should ask for a Visitor's badge at the registration desk. All visitors found without a badge will be asked to obtain one at the registration desk.
The badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Total Confusion ® (the “Event”). Some designated activities require pre-registration and/or payment of a separate, additional fee. In accepting this badge and in consideration for being admitted to the Event, the holder consents to being recorded (by audio and/or visual means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media, including without limitation and Internet, worldwide in perpetuity. Holder also hereby: (1) releases Total Confusion ® LLC from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind; (2) authorizes and permits Total Confusion ® LLC and its designees to use and authorize the use of his/her name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof by any means and in all media now and hereafter known, including without limitation the Internet, for all purposes worldwide in perpetuity; and (3) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Event.
Total Confusion ® LLC Management reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the Event facilities any person who in the Management’s sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which Management reasonably considers to be disruptive of the Event. Badges are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Board Game Library:
The Board Game Library is available to any attendee with badge. Times of operation are from 7:30am to 10:00pm. One game may be checked out a time and are due back by 12:00pm the following day. There are no maximum number of check outs in the day. The library is found in the board game hall.
Controlled Substances:
Drugs that are illegal in the State of Massachusetts are prohibited at Total Confusion. Anyone identified to have a controlled substance on their person, will be reported to the authorities.
We encourage our attendees to show off their costumes. However, any attendee’s costume designated by the staff to be not appropriate to a family-friendly event, will be asked to change into appropriate clothes. Military uniforms dated after 1940 can only be worn by active military personnel.
Event Cancellation:
Announced events are subject to change and/or cancellation without notice. Every effort will be made to announce any changes via the Internet, pre-convention publications, our onsite book and posting in registration. Cancellation of events is unfortunate but can occur. If your event is cancelled, you will not receive a ticket.
Event Locations:
No official event may be run away from the gaming area, this includes hotel rooms, vehicles or anywhere off site.
Event tickets:
Event tickets are returnable up to 1 hour before the events start time. If your event is cancelled, you may exchange the ticket at registration for another event.
Firearms are prohibited in the convention gaming space except by law officials.
Total Confusion is more than happy to receive hobby related flyers from other conventions and stores that are willing to have our flyers on display in an equal exchange. Please drop off any flyers in the registration area ONLY. Flyers left out in open areas without prior approval, will be removed. Flyers will be accepted upon the discretion of staff.
Gambling of any kind is prohibited at Total Confusion convention or anywhere in the hotel.
NO CAMPING IN THE HALLS OR LOBBY! If you are found sleeping in the public areas, you will be asked to go to your hotel room. If you do not have a room, hotel or venue security will be forced to ask you to leave. Check the message board for people looking for people to share rooms and costs.
Please do not abuse our hotels or convention facilities, including putting signs on walls. If you want to post an event, please report to the registration office or events office for permission.
Lost and Found:
Lost items if found will be located at the Registration area of the convention. Total Confusion is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.
Medical Issues:
Total Confusion is not responsible for injuries sustained during the course of the convention. If there is a medical issue please report it to the nearest staff member.
Open Gaming:
The convention has dedicated space for open gaming. Please see the area coordinator for available space.
Please visit our website to preregister for the convention. If you preregistered and do not attend the convention, your registration and tickets will not be refunded. However, if you purchased a T-Shirt this will be sent to you via United State mail after the convention.
If an event is full, you may add your name to the waiting list. The number of tickets for events may vary and may even increase due to the number of attendees who sign up wanting to play in the event. Attendees can confirm, change and verify their registration to the convention via their Tabletop Event account.
Total Confusion’s hotel facilities are a non-smoking environment. Smoking/vaping is allowed only outside in designated areas.
Weapon Policy:
Any weapon must be part of a costume. All weapons must be non-working and “peace bonded”. No functioning projectile weapons including water pistols, silly-string guns, and ping-pong pistols are permitted. Bladed weapons must be “peace bonded”. Any weapons brought into the convention should be brought to the Registration office/security office. If the policies are not followed you will be asked to leave.
Young Player Attendees:
Are gamers sixteen (16) and under. We ask that adults sit with their children in order to monitor their game. However, the accompanying adult is not considered part of the game and are not able to win prize tickets.
Young Players events are held from 8:00AM to 11:00PM. The young player badge does not allow them to play in games or use the video games after 11:00PM or in tabletop games rated; “Mature or Adult”.
Participants in the video game area may be exposed to content rated “Mature”.