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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

Joseph Bloch

Joseph Bloch

Joseph Bloch has been playing D&D since 1977, and wargames longer than that. He hosts the Greyhawk Grognard YouTube channel ( as well as the Greyhawk Grognard blog (, which is celebrating its 16th year.

Joe is also the president of BRW Games (, which publishes old-school tabletop games, including the Adventures Dark and Deep™ rules and supplements, the Castle of the Mad Archmage™ megadungeon adventure setting, and the Greyheim Adventures™ series of adventures.

Joe lives in New Jersey with his wife and son.

Peter Blix Bryant

Peter Blix Bryant

Peter Bryant is a dedicated professional in the gaming industry. He's a partner at Solarian Games, part of the acting troupe at Nerdy Dog Productions, and an independent creator.

As a partner at Solarian Games, Peter primarily focuses on writing, game design, and logistics. His work on the Top Secret product line has become an integral part of the past three products. Currently, he's working on an exciting new line of products, harnessing the new Razer Game Engine.

At Nerdy Dog Productions, Peter is part of the core troupe of actors. He's featured in movies, A Word From a Gamer and Jack Be Nimble, currently on Amazon Prime. He also starred in the shorts, Don't Say His Name, Things We Take, and Let's Play. In addition to his acting roles, he's also involved in movie editing, special effects, and soundtrack scoring.

As an independent artist, Peter has explored diverse creative avenues, including podcasting, authorship, game design, and digital artistry. Notably, he hosted "MythWits," a weekly live video show that spanned seven years and featured conversations with industry professionals from around the world. He's collaborated with RTalsorian Games, Tri Tac Games, Dilly Green Bean Games, and Chapter13 Press (now GrindHaus).

To learn more about Peter's work and contributions to Solarian Games, you can visit his websites at and Be sure to meet him at the convention and play some of his games. Moar Blood, Grit and Grimoire, and Troy City Mysteries are all in final beta testing and use the upcoming Razer system.

Levi Combs

Levi Combs

Levi Combs is the owner, publisher and creative head at Planet X Games. He is a lifelong gamer, RPG enthusiast and is just as stoked about role playing games and all those funny little dice as he was in the summer of 1983 when he first got his hands on a copy of the D&D red box (you know the one!). In addition to games and supplements for Planet X, Levi has worked for Avalon Hill, Frog God Games, Necromancer Games and others. You can find him on Instagram at it_came_from_beyond_planet_x, on Twitter PlanetXGamesCo and on Facebook at Planet X Games.

Jayson Elliot

Jayson Elliot

Jayson is the founder of Solarian Games and co-author of Top Secret: New World Order. He also founded Gygax Magazine and published it together with James Carpio, Luke Gygax, Ernie Gygax, and Tim Kask. A gamer since 1982, he found his way back to the tabletop industry in 2010 when he hosted Roll For Initiative, the 1st Edition AD&D podcast.

Rocky Gardner

Rocky Gardner

Jayson “Rocky” Gardner started playing D&D in the mid-1980's with the Mentzer Red Box and is happy when he is deep within the megadungeons in fantastic worlds. Rocky has recently returned to college and is still a full-time husband and father.

When not delving deep or studying, he writes for Silver Bulette. He has also written for Planet X Games and Frog God Games. Besides writing, Rocky does layout for Skeeter Green Productions, Greg Gillespie, Pacesetter Games, and others. Currently he is working on Fantastic Geographic and the adventure, Lord Galrond’s Keep.

Allen Hammack

Allen Hammack

Allen Hammack has contributed to over 100 products as author, designer, editor, or developer. Hired by Gary Gygax in 1978, Allen was Manager of Designers during the “Golden Era” of TSR.The “Master of Mythology” writes often on using myths and legends of the world in gaming: three books on the subject, the Viking Gods boardgame (which some say foretold the Thor: Ragnarok movie…), and he was co-editor of Dungeon Masters Guide and Deities & Demigods during the five years he served at TSR. Allen’s most popular module is C2: Ghost Tower of Inverness, which was specifically referenced in the second D&D movie and the TV show The Goldbergs.

Allen also wrote I9: Day of Al-Akbar and A3: Assault on the Aerie of The Slave Lords and edited the games Top Secret and Boot Hill. Diecast Games published his module Night of the Black Swords. Allen contributed to a Goodman Games book and is working with other publishers on projects.

Allen has advanced degrees in chemistry and computer science and enjoys acting in local theater. After 27 years in IT roles, he retired as a systems analyst and now enjoys analyzing sunsets and local beers at the tiki bar of the American Legion in Fairhope, Alabama, on the shores of Mobile Bay.

Diesel LaForce

Diesel LaForce

Diesel is considered one of the first generation staff artists for TSR Hobbies and contributed thousands of pieces of interior artwork and cartography for Dungeons & Dragons adventures and related products. Currently, he takes on commission work for gaming products and private individuals, most recently adding Magic the Gathering cards to his portfolio. Diesel has also branched out, sculpting his own line of fantasy-themed handmade collectible items. He has also been commissioned to do a line of gaming trophies for NTRPG Con. Diesel is always up for a chat and will sign your books, prints and cards.

Mary Lindholm

Mary Lindholm

Mary is an avid gamer and dungeon master. She started out as the editor and contributor to Phoenix Literary Magazine. Later she wrote for Prima Video Game guides for games like Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot and Asheron's Call 2. Chapter 13 Press used Mary to help edit Spooky Beans and Tales from the Fallen Empire role playing game. Later she became editor for TSR Games' magazine Gygax Magazine. Most recently Mary edited Anarchy! by James Carpio. She writes and edits with Solarian Games and is co-authoring a new role playing game named Witchlight. In addition she recently completed a novel that is pending final editing.

Ian McGarty

Ian McGarty

Begat of a tumultuous affair between a fomori and a leprechaun, Ian McGarty grew to enormous size in short time. After being gifted a small cache of first edition D&D and AD&D books to begin his leprechaun horde, Ian was fully immersed in the world of role playing. He has written for anyone daring enough to hire him and is one half of a happy business marriage with Jayson Rocky Gardner in Silver Bulette Publishing, the publisher of Fantastic Geographic, an OS multisystem RPG zine. Ian recently worked with John McGuire of 321 Action infamy and Brian Shutter the Neon Lord of the Toxic Wasteland. He also dabbles in cartography and his maps can be found in products by Skeeter Green Productions, Frog God Games, Silver Bulette, Throwi Games, and DM’s Guild. He knocked off a bucket list item doing the maps for an Ed Greenwood book in Thay: Land of the Red Wizards. In his day gig, you can find him wrangling his kids on crazy adventures with his wife and working to provide speech pathology services to folks in need.

David O. Miller

David O. Miller

Fantasy and Science Fiction illustrator David O. Miller has created art for many Role Playing game companies such as TSR, GDW, White Wolf, Steve Jackson Games, West End Games and Wizards of the Coast. His various TSR illustrations include interior color and black & white illustrations for the Revised Second Edition AD&D Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master Guide, Castle Sites, City Sites, Spells & Magic, color covers and interior black & white illustrations for Spelljammer, Dark Sun, Mystara, and various Dungeon Magazine and Dragon Magazine covers and interiors. David was introduced to role playing games in 1977 while at college, first playing D&D before switching over to Runequest and other Chaosium games such as Call of Cthulhu. After graduation, David started attending GenCon where he landed contract work as a freelance fantasy and sci-fi artist. An avid game master that plays a large variety of games, David both enjoys creating his own games as well as tinkering with older games, updating them for a new generation of gamers.

Chet Minton

Chet Minton

Chet Minton is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer who specializes in an olde-school fantasy art style, the druid arts of animal friendship and rehearsing his monologues of world domination into the mirror. His work has graced many pages of tabletop roleplaying products, art books, clothing apparel, graphic novels, and his own line of adult coloring books. When Chet's not traversing the tumultuous tides of the freelancer's lifestyle, you'll find him fulfilling the whims and desires of his three feline overlords... and the occasional visits of a run-away horse.

Edwin Nagy

Edwin Nagy

Edwin Nagy is a managing partner and the 5e line editor at Frog God Games/Necromancer Games. He enjoys working with new and experienced scenario writers as they bring their adventures to the table. With Frog God, Lesser Gnome, and others, Edwin has authored or co-authored several adventures including Whisper & Venom, Death & Taxes, The First Sentinel, The Magic Siphon, The Midderlands, Return from Dragonmount, and A Dwarven Fiasco. He has free-lanced as a rules editor and translator for several independent game companies, and has completed a soon-to-be-released French-to-English translation for The Merry Mushmen. Edwin is a host on This Ol’ Dungeon, a podcast that examines old adventures and discusses how to use them today. A long-time cast member and occasional Keeper on the Skype of Cthulhu podcast, Edwin spends around half his gaming time in the world of horror and enjoys mixing a little peanut butter with the chocolate, so to speak. Along with gaming, Edwin enjoys long walks in the snowy woods and books. Mostly books.

Jay Parker

Jay Parker

When it comes to jack-of-all-trades, Jay Parker is the guy. He’s the co-owner of Dilly Green Bean Games, the company that created G-Core (modern FASERIP). Jay is the lead designer and writer for both Katana-Ra (Feudal Japanese Cyberpunk) and Flint Dille’s upcoming Subterraliens RPG. He’s also a freelance artist and writer. Credits include: Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space: Aliens and Creatures boxed set and later material (contributing writer); Cyberpunk v3 product line (artist and writer), Cyberpunk Red product line up through Black Chrome (writer/contributing writer); Dragonscales (artist) and other Fireside Creations projects (artist); Top Secret: NWO (emergency writer); and G-Core and all DGBG products (artist and writer). In the shadows he has worked on gems like Thunder! RPG, Mekton Zero and Gundam (not released). Jay was even offered a job at DigiPen to teach Intro to Game Writing. When not cranking art and writing, Jay teaches in the game design at one university and game art/tabletop game design at a local college. Before all of that he was a Hull Tech in the USN. Jay is always accompanied by his in house editor and wife.

Oscar Rios

Oscar Rios

Hidden in the deep, dark shadows of Queens, New York, from an age before Star Wars was called A New Hope and Dinobots roamed the Earth, comes a most unusual man. A captive of his spiraling madness, cursed to spread equal parts horror and wonder, blessed with amazing hair, is the restless and undying storyteller, Oscar Rios. Author of over 120 scenarios for Call of Cthulhu, this Hispanic New Yorker is celebrating his 20th year working in the RPG industry, and 12 years as president of Golden Goblin Press. You can find him behind GM screens, running Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Invictus, and even the OSR classic, Star Frontiers. This author of both fiction and RPG material, editor, mentor, and game designer, is a four time Ennie Award winner, including The 7th Edition of Cthulhu Invictus (2019 Silver Ennie for Best Supplement, 2019). He’s often spotted running games at conventions and with friends across New England, New York, and Long Island.

Joey Royale

Joey Royale

Joey Royale, under the banner of Get Haunted Industries, produces the role playing games Weird Heroes of Public Access, Ninja City, and Darkest Dice. Catch him on Joey Royale’s Pizza Party on the Goodman Games Twitch. His mission is to spread weirdness and love across the known and unknown realms.

Don Semora

Don Semora

Don is the owner of Wizard Tower Games, where his company publishes RPG≈s, board games and other game products. Don started playing D&D in 1977 and since then has been hooked and has been a regular player.

Don is married to his wife Tina, and he is a U.S. Army veteran. Don is a co-host of The Vlog of Many Things, where he and Erik Tenkar and Tom Verreault talk games, industry news and well… Many other things. Don is in April of 2025 releasing his own RPG called the Open Worlds Role Playing Game and also is releasing the online game ZONK, which is an old school mix of classic text based adventures, with added visual features.

You can check out Wizard Tower Games at and you can learn more about ZONK at and please say hello when you see him at the convention.

Nyx Spencer

Nyx Spencer

Nyx (formerly known as Spence) has been a Total Con GM for several years and this year they are bringing back the chaotic rainbow energy that they are known for. Additionally, they've spent the last couple of years refining their short one-shot RPGs set to debut this year. They also plan to continue helping others bring their RPG ideas to life. They can be found gaming and creating on Twitch under the name ResonantMoon.

Jeffrey Talanian

Jeffrey Talanian

Jeffrey Talanian is the publisher at North Wind Adventures and the creator of HYPERBOREA, a role-playing game of swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy. HYPERBOREA is inspired by the pulp fiction of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith, with mechanics inspired by the works of E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Previously, Jeffrey coauthored Castle Zagyg, working closely with the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, E. Gary Gygax, until his passing in 2008. These days, Jeffrey lives in New Hampshire with his wife, children, and other creatures, and he’s always at work on the next HYPERBOREA.

Bill Webb

Bill Webb

Bill, along with Clark Peterson, started Necromancer Games during the dawn of the D&D 3E game and immediately the phrase “Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel” became a catchphrase of the new era. Through Necromancer, the pair published dozens of nostalgia-filled adventures that captured that elusive old-school zeitgeist. No product was more an example of this than Rappan Athuk, the deadly mega-dungeon that became one of the most popular settings for a new generation of adventurers. Eventually, Frog God Games became Bill's playground in the new era of retro-clones and old school classic dungeon adventures. Since its beginnings, Frog God Games has produced several wildly successful Kickstarter's and IndieGoGo' for both old and new school role-players with Rappan Athuk, Razor Coast, The Lost Lands, and Quests of Doom.s playground in the new era of retro-clones and old school classic dungeon adventures. Since its beginnings, Frog God Games has produced several wildly successful Kickstarter's and IndieGoGo's for both old and new school role-players with Rappan Athuk, Razor Coast, The Lost Lands, and Quests of Doom.

Bradford Younie

Bradford Younie

Brad Younie is an RPG game designer and author who hails from New Hampshire. As Carnivore Games, he has published two role-playing games: Now Playing, and The Unexplained. As an author, he has published three novels and two short stories.

Brad is an accomplished Game Master, having run events at local conventions, such as TotalCon, for decades.
Check out his games at
Check out his novels at
