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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

History & Highlights

Total Confusion has over thirty years of experience bringing great gaming moments to players in the New England area and beyond. TotalCon is always held the weekend after Presidents Day in February for 4 days ( Thu - Sun ). It was started in 1987 at the Yankee Drummer in Auburn, MA by Wes Carpentier, who still attends TotalCon each year and is a permanent VIP at the convention.

In 1988, Total Confusion was held at Clark University in Worcester, MA followed by two years at the Sheraton Hotel in Worcester. As the convention grew, it moved to the Royal Plaza in Marlborough, MA. From 1997 until 2002 the convention was held at the Ramada Rolling Green in Andover, MA. Since 2003, Total Confusion has been held at the Holiday Inn in Mansfield, MA. In 2017 Total Confusion moved back to the Royal Plaza in Marlborough. In 2019 Total Confusion hosted its largest ever gathering of gamers.

Total Confusion's Mascot

The Puppy: Over the many years, Total Confusion held an award ceremony which featured "the puppy masher" award. This award is given to someone who has done something during the course of the convention that stood out as a memorable blunder caused by staff, attendees or GMs. This person gets their story re-told to the masses and lives on in infamy. In the past, a stuffed "puppy" was handed to the award winner with a hammer in recognition of the moment. This stuffed puppy has traveled to each convention. It has become the habit of many loyal long-term fans of TotalCon to try and find the puppy to take him hostage during the convention. At times, if they are successful, ransom notes can be found through out the halls. In 2007, the original puppy was retired to a good home and a new puppy was introduced. A contest was held to give him a name. Sir Master Humphrey Yates is now the official mascot and will be the keeper of TotalCon stories of entertaining mishaps for years to come.

Previous Champions
