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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

All Kinds of Fun

Total Confusion has many kinds of events to help give you a well rounded full 4 day weekend of gaming fun. We feature role-playing, board games, miniature games, young player games, video games, a few card games, panels, movie screenings, live shadow cast performances,workshops, regional championships, national qualifiers, and several special events like IRON GM and Cube of Death each year. To learn more about these departments, please visit the links below:

Independent Games

Total Confusion is proud to celebrate independent games, their creators and the publishers who bring them to the world. Encompassing both board games and role playing games, the Independent Games department encourages creators and publishers to share their games with all Total Confusion attendees. We encourage GMs to register Independent events and encourage players to discover the vibrant new worlds being created locally and across the globe.

Indie Tables

A table in both the Board Game and RPG sections dedicated to showcasing Independent Games and encouraging players to sign up for events, meet the people behind the games and try something new! Events will be scheduled throughout the convention and attendees and GMs are welcome to run events, play games and hang out.

For more information, please contact Ben Gerber at

Other Games & Events

Independent Games and Special Guest of Honor hosted events have been growing over the past few years and are now exciting and rewarding parts of the convention. We have been extremely proud to have companies like, TSR, Inc, Dark Phoenix Events, Carnivore Games, Grey Ghost Press, and Dilly Green Bean Games in our hall offering their fantastic events for you. Past Guests of Honor include Frank Mentzer (former TSR, Inc employee and founder of the RPGA), Tim Kask, (1st employee at TSR, editor of Dragon Magazine), Mike Pondsmith ( R Talsorian Games), John Wick (John Wick Presents), Mark Edwards (writer, Catalyst GameLabs), Andre Kruppa (theatrical style CoC GM with mods published by Chaosioum), Jay Libby (DillyGreenBean Games and Cyberpunk V3 artist), Brad Younie (president, Carnivore Games) and more. If you would like to share a role-playing game you created with the TotalCon attendees, please let us know. It would be our honor to welcome you to this event Please contact Jenn Gerber for more information.

Young Players Gaming

Total Confusion hosts a special area for young players aged 6-16 year old to let families enjoy the convention together and to bring the joy of face-to-face gaming to the next generation of players. The area is under the direction of Eve Buchhalter, who is not only an active member in the local gaming community and local conventions, but is a middle school and high school teacher, too. She has the patience, sense of humor, and skills needed to create a wonderful learning experience for young players while making the games a lot of fun as well.

The young player area is now located in the Board Game area so parents can be near by and join in the fun. Games are age appropriate and are often run at introductory levels and sometimes intermediate for older players. These games include Magic the Gathering, Settlers of Catan, various themed Monopoly games, and other fun and interesting casual games.

Young Players are also welcomed in other areas as long as the event has been rated for young players and they have the required experience.

The Young Player area is designed to bring the joy of gaming to children and teens with age appropriate events. We do not offer babysitting services. Children 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If you would like to help host games in this area, please see Click here for GM information.


Panels, Movies, Special Events, and More!

The fun does not end with our main events. TotalCon also hosts a variety of other events to fill your days with fun and excitement. We now offer panel discussions, indie movies, some collectible card events, and workshops, . Past events included dinner theaters, live action zombie/mazes, face painting, art shows, and more. Attendees are always welcomed to come in costumes to show off their best and add to the fun atmosphere. Be sure to check back often to see the other great gaming and non-gaming options that will be offered at the next Total Confusion.

As always, these events need the support of dedicated GMs like you. Total Confusion is currently looking for Industry Guests for panel discussions and judges to bring more card games and tournaments to the convention. If you are interested, please contact: Jenn Gerber.


In the past, TotalCon had an award ceremony to recognize the gamers who gave their all and stood out among the crowd. Two years ago we re-instated the award ceremony to give credit where it is due. We bestow several trophies in all areas of the con. We also have a special award program, the Ken Pendelton Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Ken Pendelton LifeTime Achievement Award

In 2004, the Total Confusion Staff decided to formally recognize the dedicated people who have supported our convention by maintaining a standard of excellence for entertaining our attendees over the years. Our first recipient for this award was Ken Pendelton, who was a well-known author and gamer, infamous for his epic adventures. We felt he more than earned it, he deserved to be given the Lifetime Achievement Award. Sadly enough, Ken passed before we had a chance to present this award to him. Therefore, in his honor, we have named it the Ken Pendelton Award. The recipient of this award receives permanent V.I.P. status at Total Confusion
