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February 19-23, 2026

New England's Largest Game Convention

Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA

Board Game Special Events

TotalCon has exciting special gaming events. They are listed here.

Catan - National Championship Qualifier (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

New 2022: Tournament winner receives an invite to play in the Catan National Championship. Catan Studios is shooting for Origins 2022, but that hasn’t been confirmed. Winner is responsible for hotel and transportation.

There will be two 3-game qualifying sessions. In each game, identical boards will be used by all tables. Up to the top 16 qualifying scores will advance depending on the number of players (ranked by wins/total points). You have 2 chances to qualify. The first session will be Friday night at 7 pm and the second session will be Saturday at 10 am. NEW 2022: The semi-finals start Sunday 10am. The finals will be played immediately after that.

Players must be 18 or older to win. 4th edition rules are being used (no house rules). 7's are live from the beginning. Players may build and trade in any order during their turn. Players may use ports on the same turn they are built. Robber may be moved back to the desert.

B-17 Event

The US Army is looking for new recruits to join the 8th Air Force as we continue the daylight bombing missions over the Reich. We have new B-17s looking for pilots. Can you navigate your bomber and bring your crew home? No experience needed. We have flight training available Friday at noon in the Amphitheater. If you cannot make the training we can pair you up with an experienced pilot to help you along with your mission. Wheels up on the B-17 tournament is Friday at 1pm. Points for this event counts toward Chairman of the Board.

Read the results of last year's tournament HERE.
